Welcome to the SpeckSite!

(Created and managed by Mrs. Specksynder)

Kristen's memory of Catherine, spoken to Yffan:
English translation: I felt like I had control of myself when I kissed her, even though I couldn’t help but continue.
In the original Ssooffos (short form, transliterated): Dyffenseleohnoohnuhþu, qeffabesissangengean qeffuqeffu tidestiSææqæ, ihihtides dyffen ihihtihrnø.
IPA of the Ssooffos version: /ˈdiː.vːɛ̃n ˈsɛ.lɛˌɑ̞̰̃n ɑ̞̰̃ːˈnɤ̰̞̠ θũ ˈqɛvː‿ɑ‿ˈbɛ.sɪˌsːɑ ŋɛ̃ˈŋɛ.ɑ̃n ˈqɛ.vːuˈqɛ.vːu ˈtɪ.dɛs tɪ ˈsæːqæ ˌɪ̰.ɪ̰ˈtɪ.dɛs ˈdiː.vːɛ̃n ˌɪ̰.ɪ̰‿ˈtɝ̰‿nø/
(Yes this is completely cursed and I love it XD ah, the wonders of funky vowels. At the very least it's not Taa, or, *shudders* Danish.)

Site directory: inspirations, CLONGIN' AROUND!, and fanart of my stories

List o' things to come:

  • Writing! I'm writing two books, so you'll see that stuff here.
  • Manga! Especially obscure manga :D
  • Transformers! (and lots of 'em)
  • "What language am I reading?" (maybe?)

External links!

Check out my Twitter.

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